God is revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.

There is but one God, the Maker, Preserver and Ruler of all things, having in and of Himself all perfections, and being infinite in them all; and to Him all creatures owe the highest love, reverence and obedience. God as Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and the flow of the stream of human history according to the purposes of His grace. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving, and all wise.

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the divinely appointed mediator between God and man. Having taken upon Himself human nature, yet without sin, born of a virgin, He perfectly fulfilled the law, suffered and died upon the cross for the salvation of sinners. He was buried, rose again on the third day, and ascended to His Father, at whose right hand He lives forever to make intercession for His people. He is the only Mediator, Prophet, Priest, and King of the church, and Sovereign of the Universe.

The Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead, convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement; He is the supernatural agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ. 

The Bible is God’s written revelation to man, and that the 66 books of the Bible given to us by the Holy Spirit represents the inspired, absolutely inerrant in the original documents, infallible, sufficient, authoritative Word of God in all parts.

God originally created man in His own image, and free from sin; but, through the temptation of Satan, man transgressed the command of God, and fell from his original holiness and righteousness; whereby his posterity (i.e. descendants) inherits a nature corrupt and opposed to God and His law, are under condemnation, and as soon as they are capable of moral action, become actual transgressors.

Repentance is a gift of God, wherein the Holy Spirit makes a person aware of their own sin, so that one is humbled by godly sorrow, detesting sin, with a purpose and endeavors to walk before God so as to please Him in everything. Saving faith is the belief, on God’s authority, of whatsoever is revealed in His Word concerning Christ; accepting and resting upon Him alone for justification and eternal life. It is granted to the believer by the Holy Spirit and, therefore, leads him/her in a lifestyle moving towards one of holiness and joy. 

Justification is a legal declaration of God in which He freely chooses to acquit a sinner by faith in the atoning work of Christ; therefore, grace grants him/her Christ’s righteous- ness.

Sanctification means that there will be a continued progression in holy living and character development by the Holy Spirit and will continue until we die or the Lord returns.

The Lord Jesus is the Head of the Church, which is composed of all His true disciples, and in Him is invested supremely all power for its government. According to His commandment, Christians are to associate themselves with particular churches; and to each of these churches Jesus has given authority for administering the order, discipline and worship which He has appointed. The regular officers of a church are Elders and Deacons.

The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Jesus Christ, to be administered and to be observed by His churches till the end of the world. It is in no sense a sacrifice, but is designed to commemorate His death, to confirm the faith of Christians, and to be a bond, pledge, and renewal of their communion with Him and of their church fellowship.

God has appointed a day, wherein He will judge the world by Jesus Christ, when everyone shall receive according to their deeds: the wicked shall go into everlasting punishment; the righteous, into everlasting life.

We believe that atonement for sin was made by the sacrificial and substitutionary death of Jesus Christ.

We believe salvation is the gift of God by grace alone and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that this faith is manifested in works pleasing to God.

We believe in the literal resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and His priestly intercession.

We believe that God secured provision for the forgiveness of all sin by virtue of the death of Christ on the cross in response to true confessions and repentance.

We believe all the spiritual gifts mentioned in scripture in various key texts are still available to operate in the Body of Christ according to the will of God. However, we do not believe any one gift must be possessed by all believers or that any one gift is the required evidence of the baptism of the Spirit. We hold that the gifts are to be utilized in accordance with scriptural teaching and purposes and are most effective when they operate on the basis of love for God and love for people.

We believe the Holy Spirit calls, anoints, and gifts both male and female to vocational ministry as preachers, teachers, leaders, evangelists, missionaries and pastors in the church without distinction.

We believe there is no place for racism in the body of Christ and that wherever it is found it must be exposed and dealt with lovingly. We believe it is the will of God that His Church on the earth began to look more like it will look like in heaven. Our desire is to become increasingly Multi-Ethnic in the composition our membership and leadership.

We hold that Christ calls each of us to follow Him which means we are called to be His Disciples. As Disciples we have a part to play in our own growth towards spiritual maturity through our obedience to scripture and the practice of spiritual disciplines (Prayer, Bible study, Fasting, Church attendance, Stewardship, etc. In addition to our responsibility in our own spiritual growth we have a responsibility to reach the lost and disciple them in the faith.

Christians are called to be one. We believe that God calls all followers of Christ to live in Unity and peace, regardless of who they are or the church they attend (Gal 3:28). While we may not agree on everything, we can rally around our shared subject, JESUS. We hold that God only has one Universal Church but many local assemblies in all Christian Orthodox denominations/movements. We hold that there is neither room nor justification for any type of ethnic, racial, or cultural prejudice or segregation within the Christian Church. We still hold to the old church of God belief in the unity of the Body of Christ that says, “We reach our hand in fellowship to every blood washed one”.

We practice all three of these ordinances. We observe communion every 1st Sunday in the morning service except for the first Sunday in the last month of each quarter. On the first Sunday of the last month in each quarter we observe feet washing and communion during an afternoon or evening service. Baptisms are performed periodically during the year as needed since the completion of our new facilities.

We believe that the reign of Christ is a spiritual reign presently in the lives of his people and that Christ is reigning now in heaven seated on the throne. We believe the return of Christ will mark the end of time and will result in the judging those who refused salvation through Christ and receiving believers to His heavenly realm for eternity.