
We're so excited that you have decided to make COGENY your church home,
and we will be cheering you on the whole way.

Below you will see our 6 steps of membership and it all begins with just attending our service


We want you to get to know us! So before you start the process of becoming a member we would ask that you attend our church for 2 - 3 months so you can be certain that this is the church for you.


We ask that you take this next step by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior if you have not done so already. We don't want to force you to make this decision so if you are not ready then that is okay. Publicly displaying your faith shows growth and commitment to your personal relationship with Christ.


We offer a three book course to help strengthen you as a believer. In your next step we ask that you register and complete the first book (Growing Strong In the Family of God), and we encourage you to complete the full series when you can with us.


You're almost there!! Time to register for the official Discovering Membership class where you will learn what being a member is all about.


Complete your membership covenant agreement form

(samples available)


You made it! Now the only thing left is to have a face to face membership interview with one of our ministers. We are so happy you have decided to make COGENY your home church.


*If you have not been baptized and would like to be, then sign up for our next baptism class

*If you are a member of another church we ask that you get a letter from your church detailing your prior affiliation and participation. Our intention is for you to leave that congregation in good standing